Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prop, UEO Hat, Daggers (201), The Fear that Follows (202)

Good morning from the seaQuest MPS blog.  Yet more hats here on sQ MPS, with a UEO hat featured in numerous episodes.  I only grabbed images from the first two second season episodes, Daggers and The Fear that Follows, but anytime there were UEO soldiers in the background, chances are some of them were wearing this type of hat.  I have commented on Daggers before when I posted an early script, but as for The Fear that Follows, talk about a mix of things that just do not come together.  Yea, the aliens from Such Great Patience, but they seem different.  They are no-longer exploring, but looking for the beginnings of life (?), because they are dying (?), and they think the beginnings of life might help them with their death (?).  Oh, and lets throw in some Native American mysticism, because that will be cool.  Even though the season one episode made it clear the aliens had made it here a million years ago, somehow they also returned and chatted with Indians who were around in the last thousand years.  Also, lets arrest Darwin, that would be a good way to open the episode.  Oh, and lets make everyone forget what happened with a little time travel.  Seriously, too many half-baked ideas.

The UEO hats on the show were simply a black military-style hat with a UEO patch sown on.

As seen in Daggers, with UEO 'soldiers' wearing the hat while guarding the GELFs.  I use soldiers in quotes, because of the second season's lax attitude to military protocol.  Seriously, you are prison guards and you are playing video games?   A great seaQuest drinking game, when the UEO or seaQuest military personnel act like they are not in the military; no salutes, no standing to attention, lax uniforms, etc.  At least they got that right in the third season.

Below the jump, a few more shots of the hat and people wearing this hat style in the show

UEO hat top.  This hat has some dirt and wear, but these hats really did get a lot of use, as you will see below.

Hat bottom, again simply a black hat with a UEO logo sown on.

The GELF colony from Daggers, where all the soldiers seemed to wear UEO hats with shorts.

UEO hats galore.

Yet more UEO hats.

TV shows obviously re-use materials, even in the same episode.  So while UEO soldiers are guarding the GELFs, yet more UEO people are at their headquarters... they escort Piccolo out of jail.

The UEO hats also got a workout in the next episode, The Fear that Follows.

UEO soldiers pointing guns at a dolphin, and the UEO are meant to be the good guys.

Next time on the seaQuest MPS Blog: Black seaQuest merchandise hat.

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